What information does OT FOR KIDS need?
We will only ask for information we need to provide effective and safe occupational therapy (OT) services. We need your permission to collect, share and discuss information with others. If you do not understand why we need information, it is okay to ask us.
We will only share information if:
- a parent or caregiver gives us permission,
- we are very worried about a child’s safety OR
- if the law requires us to share it.
This information is taken from our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure. If you wish to read the entire policy, please ask.
What funding can I use to access OT FOR KIDS services?
A range of funding options are available to families to help them access OT through OT FOR KIDS Speak to your GP or Paediatrician regarding Medicare options. OT FOR KIDS is also registered to provide occupational therapy services through the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). Many private health funds also provide rebates for OT services, dependant on your level of cover.
If you have any questions about funding options or how OT FOR KIDS can help you access funding options, please give us a call and speak to our friendly Administration Manager.
What do I do if I am finding it difficult to afford OT FOR KIDS services?
OT FOR KIDS understands the financial pressures on families because we are all trying to manage a household budget. If you are experiencing financial hardship, we are happy to negotiate a payment plan. All you have to do is ask.
Why is family involvement and participation so important?
OT FOR KIDS encourages and nurtures family-centred and strengths-based practice. That means we work hard to form partnerships with parents/caregivers in planning, implementing and evaluating intervention. Family life and priorities drive what happens in planning and OT intervention. We involve parents and carers in everything we do!
Our goal is for parents/caregivers to gain the knowledge and feel confident in strategies they use within their routines at home and in the community. In sessions, OT FOR KIDS therapists actively involve parents into play so put those mobile phones down and join in the fun!
How do we support children and families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds ?
OT FOR KIDS creates welcoming and culturally inclusive environments where all families are encouraged to participate in and contribute to their children’s learning and development. Our Occupational Therapists are knowledgeable and respectful of diversity and provide OT supports in flexible ways that are responsive to each families cultural, ethnic and language characteristics.
For NDIS funded clients, OT FOR KIDS is registered with TIS National (Translating and Interpreting Service). This means that we have free access to organising interpreting services on behalf of clients as one way to support non-English speaking families to fully access our OT services. TIS can provide:
- Immediate phone interpreting
- Pre-booked phone interpreting
- On-site interpreting
Our team will ask you if you would like to access interpreting services at a number of different stages of your journey with OT FOR KIDS.
Can I involve someone else to help me?
OT FOR KIDS actively supports families to feel safe and comfortable when using our services. You have the right to have someone help you make the best choices such as an advocate or support person. We regularly ask families whether they would like to have a support person involved such as a family member when working with us.
There are also free services that provide advocacy services. An advocate is trained to speak for you. If you are not sure how to find an advocate, we can help. Just ask us.
What do I do if my child is sick and has an appointment scheduled?
Most appointments are scheduled on a regular weekly or fortnightly basis. We offer appointments that are on the same time/day to suit family routines and commitments. It is necessary for OT FOR KIDS to have a policy around cancellation or ‘no shows’ to scheduled appointments because it is impossible for us to fill a missed appointment spot at late notice; effective occupational therapy with children requires the development of a strong theraputic relationship that cannot be sustained with intermittent visits.
OT FOR KIDS expects you to give your treating OT reasonable notice that services are no longer required or that you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment. If you don’t give this notice or you fail to attend a scheduled service, you may be charged up to 100% of the applicable fee for the appointment.
OT FOR KIDS understands that at times, children can get sick quickly and overnight. In these circumstances, it will be up to the treating OT to determine whether a portion (lower percentage) or the full 100% will be charged. The treating OT will take into consideration past attendance history and your individual circumstances.
OT FOR KIDS also understands that some situations are unavoidable and we ask you to not bring your child to therapy when they are unwell. Let us know as soon as you can and we will try and reschedule.
Do I have opportunities to provide feedback or make a complaint?
Yes. We will often ask you for feedback about the services we are providing. Your feedback helps us improve so that you and your child will feel safer, happier and get more out of occupational therapy. Feedback can be compliments, comments or complaints. We love to hear compliments — they tell us we are getting it right!
If you are not happy with an element of your child’s OT intervention, tell us as we won’t know unless you share it. It’s OK to give us negative feedback. We won’t be angry. We need to know how you feel to help us do things better. You can provide a comment or feedback at any time by speaking to your child’s treating Occupational Therapist or by phoning the office. Our staff are here to help. You will always receive a reply as quickly as possible.
If you don’t feel like you have received a satisfactory response, then you are welcome to contact the Director, Sharon Pierce by writing an email to: sharon@ot-for-kids.com.au.
If we have not been able to come to an agreement, then we will encourage you to contact the NDIS Commission W| www.ndiscommission.gov.au T| 1800 035 544.
Advocates can also help you. The National Disability Program can help you work with an advocate. Email them at: disabilityadvocacy@dss.gov.au or search for “disability advocate” online.
This information is taken from our Feedback, Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure. If you wish to read the entire policy, we are happy to provide you with a copy, please ask.
How do we keep our community safe?
We work hard to keep everyone safe. That means you, our staff and clients. We think about how accidents can happen and how to prevent them. This is called ‘risk management’. Our staff kn w what to do if there is a problem or accident. We follow the rules if an incident happens.
- We must tell the NDIS Commission.
- We will investigate the incident.
- We will do something so that the incident does not happen again.
- We must talk about this with the people involved in the incident.
Tell us if you feel something is unsafe. We will listen. If you are unhappy with our complaints process, we encourage you to get help and tell someone. The NDIS Commission can help with this too.
What are my responsibilities as a client of OT FOR KIDS?
You can help by:
- Treating all our staff with fairness, honesty and respect.
- Making sure you tell us if your child’s details change to help us keep the information we have about your child up-to-date. If the information you provide us is not correct, we may not be able to do a good job.
- Keeping your child’s appointment and letting us know in plenty of time if you are unable to attend.
- Respecting others in the clinic to maintain a safe, happy and comfortable play and learning space.
- Respecting others right to privacy and confidentiality.
- Giving us honest feedback.
What can you expect from your OT FOR KIDS journey?
- We will treat you fairly and with respect.
- We will speak to you honestly and give you our professional opinion.
- We will provide you with the information you need to make informed choices and decisions about the services you receive from OT FOR KIDS.